
Posts Tagged ‘neoprene

Incase Neoprene Sleeve Plus

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I decided to pick up an Incase Neoprene Sleeve Plus notebook case for my 15″ MacBook Pro.  Some thoughts:

1. Very minimalist.  I like its sleekness and its utter lack of clutter.

2. Caveat: its slimness precludes carrying much else besides the laptop itself.  Yes, you can shove a power adapter in either of the two pockets (which are hidden where the handles are — clever), but it bulges out quite noticeably.  This bugs me and makes me wish all the more that Apple would redesign the brick to be a lot slimmer (and made from something besides polycarbonate).

3. The neoprene is very thick and actually feels like it would offer some protection.  This is further bolstered by the cottony interior, which actually kind of polishes the MacBook as it’s pulled in and out of the case.

4.  Despite the durable nature of the case, I still wouldn’t drop a MacBook Pro (or any computer) intentionally.  But it’s nice to know that if I do this accidentally, I feel moderately confidant that it’ll be undamaged.

Anyway, I really like it. We’ll see what comes down the pipe with the power adapter situation.

I may or may not do a video detailing both the machine and the case.  We’ll see how ambitious I feel tomorrow.

UPDATE: Whoa, I actually had the gumption to follow through with that.

Written by Michael

4 April 2009 at 9:52 pm

Posted in Reviews, Technology

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